4 Tips For Musicians to Land A Gig Quickly

Landing a gig especially when there’s so much competition in big cities can be a daunting task.

Yet it isn’t as overwhelming it feels given that there are so many musicians who have overcome this in time.

Well, you don’t have to face the ups and downs that a number of musicians have faced before you.

1: Professionalism

Professionalism is key to making it happen in the music industry. It doesn’t how good your music is. If you cannot present yourself well either by email, phone or in person, it will not work. If you fail with this, then prepare to be overlooked by a venue or booking agent every time.

2: Quality over quantity

Without a doubt, playing to five empty rooms every month will hardly make your promoter happy. Instead, try and play just one show but to a packed house. This approach will work much better.

3: Collaborate with other artists

When you collaborate with artists who can bring a big crowd, this has all the making of a very successful show. This is probably the best way to land gigs not unless you already have a large following of your own. It’s also a wonderful way to meet other artists who might ask you to play on shows of theirs too.

4: Attend open mic

An excellent way to land a gig is by attending any open mic that are hosted at venues. This way you get to show them your face but also the music that you play. In chatting with the person running the open mic, you can also land a gig or at least, find out how to get one too. Of course, if you’ve landed gig, use an open mic to promote if you’d like.